Saturday, November 15, 2008

Costumes made easy and inexpensive

This picture has become something of an icon to us and for Koloron Art Fabric. The costumes are taken from a stage production of 'Alice' and they represent about the quickest and cheapest way of dressing kids for a school panto.

The costumes were created by David Bacon who lived, at the time, near Market Harborough in Leicestershire UK. He had spent his life working in art studios and is a father of two. A great supporter of his girls and their school and a bit of a talent as his work shows.

From a distance these costumes are perfect, get up close and you can see how simple they are. Take Alice herself. A single bright blue brush trail says it all. Bright yellow fills in the spaces around her apron. It took a Koloron Tabard and about 15 minutes to do. Time and cost were nothing, the imagination was everything.

The 'Mad Hatter' is also a Tabard and what looks like trousers is simply clever brushwork again. But stand back and it looks better than a week of needlework and lot of angst. The Knave took longer plus a hunt for a pack of playing cards for reference.

The lesson from David is "keep it simple, keep it bright" .Until the arrival of Art Fabric none of this was possible because fabric just doesn't act like paper and paper isn't strong enough to wear. Now almost everything is possible and Koloron Art Fabric is changing many school productions. Today you will find it in many schools and on amateur and professional stages. Wonderful things have been created with it, costumes and scenery. Compare Alice with the girl below, both are Koloron and paint. Fun isn't it?

At Koloron we keep photographs that people send us and one day we'll put up a gallery, so if you would like to see your work there get out the camera and send us your pictures please. mark them gallery.

Mike with thanks to David Bacon.
Koloron Ltd