Thursday, May 23, 2013

Koloron fashion ideas presentation

This presentation needs few words to the creative designer.

Wednesday, May 08, 2013

The Koloron Brand seeks investors

The Koloron Brand seeks investors

        The owners of Koloron Art Fabric have recently issued an invitation to companies interested in investing in the Brand. The Brand has been trading for the past ten years in the Educational sector across all age groups from nursery to HE and in the Craft and Drama sectors where creative use of paper/fabric meets the needs of artists, students a designers.
        Investment and a joint venture will enable Koloron to grow and widen its product range to meet the many diverse needs of its customers. Creativity has always been core to Koloron’s interests and with a stronger base the Brand can grow to provide more innovative products and activities to creative people.
        Our first product is creative inspiration, our second is interesting Art materials.

Emulsion Paint finishes this Koloron Art Fabric costume.