Friday, June 18, 2010

Street Art pops up in Birmingham

There are many who believe that there is ‘no time like the present’ but very few who use the idea for a wall painting. Debra Hall and the community Arts Group at Saint Martins have done just that.
Saint Martins is central to Birmingham’s the famous Bullring. No surprise that a bull features strongly, other landmarks will be quickly recognized and the theme exhibits the energy and live that floods through this inner city area.
The group of artists came together especially for this project. Feedback Debra received has only been from those directly involved with the project and from members of the public who stopped to observe the mural's painting on April 9th. However the artists gave really positive remarks in regards to the success of the project overall, and each have expressed a wish to work on something again in the future.
Spectators were quietly captivated watching the process.

No Time Like The Present from Charles Mapleston on Vimeo.

Colour and culture, faith and beliefs are constantly examined in Saint Martins rapidly developing community. Which colour and why? You will have to ask Debra and the other artists who painted intensively for the day.
Shortly to be relocated to the Church of St Martins you will able to inspect it for yourself if you get to Birmingham.
Debra Hall lead artist and Fiona Spence a mural artist were supported by Faye Binnell a student of Visual Arts and Artists Natalie Rix, Jane English and Roman Hvizdak. You can email Debra at
Wall Art is giving many people the opportunity to express ideas and emotions that are tied up with their lives. A release or a celebration it matters not, it’s down to the message that it carries.
Koloron are happy to provide materials to artists and schools for similar projects. email with your ideas
Saint Martin's Arts: Develop creative and performance work, utilising St Martin's Church in the Bull Ring, Birmingham as a significant venue. The aim is to provide opportunities for art audiences, individuals and other suitable collaborators to create or share creative experiences that link the arts with spirituality. Contact Collin Wallace Project Officer
Debra Hall, Lead Artist work centres on community arts and community education.
Take a look at Debra’s site

Monday, February 22, 2010

Koloron Art Fabric from ESPO

Koloron Art Fabric from ESPO

We are pleased to inform UK users of Koloron Art Fabric that they can now buy from ESPO.

Local Authorities including LEA Schools together with Charities, the volunteer Sector and other qualifying commercial organisations that trade with ESPO are now able to buy Koloron direct.

Koloron large rolls and Mini rolls are held in stock and appear in both their printed and online catalogues.

Street Art and Koloron, a new project.

How to save thousands of Street Art images every year

Throughout 2010 Koloron are inviting UK Artists and Art Groups to enter creative ideas for an exciting project. We at Koloron know there are a lot of talented Artists looking for large spaces to paint their work. A big wall painting is great but is often not appreciated by the person who owns the wall. On many occasions the work is remarkable but because it is seen as graffiti they are lost when the Local Authority has a clean up. Now there is a solution.

Line the wall with Koloron Art Fabric so it can be rolled it up and displayed again somewhere else. Art will never be lost and can always be exhibited again where and when it is wanted.

And here is the real benefit. If we like your creative ideas we will show up on the day to film the painting as it goes up. We will pay for the materials and make a short film of it for the Internet.

If it’s good and makes a news worthy point we will do our best to get the Artist and the film media attention. In one short jump an Artist can go from unappreciated and anonymous to media celebrity.

There will shortly be more details on our Website about how to submit ideas together with how the process works. Visit

Friday, February 12, 2010

Jane has a go at the Four Elements with Koloron

Jane Bower got one hundred Year 5 children to consider the Elements. Hardwick Middle School in Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk set to work creating a number of 4ft square panels. One for each of the Classic Elements.

According to Empedocles, Greek philosopher, scientist and healer, all matter is comprised of four "roots" or elements. Earth, Air, Fire and Water. Well it was the fifth century B.C.

However Koloron Art Fabric turned its hand to a creative interpretation. Working with heat, water and a lot of colour the children had an inspiring time.

Thank you Jane and Year 5 from Bury, seems like a great workshop. One hundred?

You can reach Jane at, workshop enquiries welcome