One of the many interesting qualities of Koloron Art Fabric is its reaction to heat. Like many materials it transforms in exciting ways, ways that can be creatively controlled, often with surprising results.
Heat and its effects on art materials is the subject of a workshop run by Jane Bower where she combines Art and Science and explores the results.
Heat and its effects on art materials is the subject of a workshop run by Jane Bower where she combines Art and Science and explores the results.
Intended for those teaching at KS1/2 the one-day workshop explains how to fire without a kiln, make objects by heating wax, wood and fabrics and the use of plant dyes. All classroom Health and Safety issues are fully covered, as is the importance of heat throughout history. Everybody will take away a wide range of examples and techniques. And will have had a brilliant day.
If you want to discuss details and availability of this and other courses please contact Jane direct; jane-bower@ntlworld.com all enquiries are welcome.
About Jane
The author of several books on practical art and drama she has thirty years experience of KS1/2 classroom advisory teaching in Art, Drama, Dance and Literacy in the UK. Her work includes trainee teachers at Cambridge University’s Faculty of Education. She also writes for Child Education and Junior Education and has a number of National Awards attributed to her.
If you want to discuss details and availability of this and other courses please contact Jane direct; jane-bower@ntlworld.com all enquiries are welcome.
About Jane
The author of several books on practical art and drama she has thirty years experience of KS1/2 classroom advisory teaching in Art, Drama, Dance and Literacy in the UK. Her work includes trainee teachers at Cambridge University’s Faculty of Education. She also writes for Child Education and Junior Education and has a number of National Awards attributed to her.