Thursday, December 18, 2008

Koloron and the longest visitors book ever

Brian from Brighton asked about using Koloron Art Fabric as a tablecloth to help celebrate a school's special dinner. We were able to tell him that a street party used the same idea for a Millennium bash, we never actually saw it but the description was exciting. Everybody writing down their take on the day.

What we can say we saw, however, was the idea of using Koloron as a visitor's book. The UK launch of Koloron at the British Museum in April 2000. Across the steps of the main entrance we set up a giant roll of Koloron and rolled it out across a run of trestle tables. Everybody who visited the event was given marker pens to record their presence at The Big Draw.

As the length across the table became full of markings, drawings and comments we pulled more out and rolled up the artwork at the other end. We believe we created the longest visitors book ever. We had over 143 metres filled with hundreds of records of the day.

Hope you have a great event Brian but it's going to have to be a major event if you are going to beat our record. 143 metres is long.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Koloron on Squidoo

We have created a list of our Squidoo Lenses. Check it out following the link. So many creative ideas. Here is the link


Cornelia White

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

A really good offer – half price, no less

Thank you Richard from Swanage we’re glad you made such good use of the offer.

If anybody else wants to take advantage of our over production there are still garments left.
If you are not up to speed on this we have been offering A sized Tops, Tabards and Flats at half price. It is due to a stocking error and they are without wrappings and we’re selling them in bundles of 50. The garments are fine and in excellent order and correctly labelled. They are just in bulk and will suit any store cupboard for creative 3-5 year olds.
Click on the offer button on our Home page

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Isn't this a great wall?

Isn't this a great wall? I came across it in Barcelona in 2001 whilst on holiday. What I loved was the contributions made by such obviously different personalities. On the right hand side you can spot the influence of Picasso's Guernica.
Kids creativity is something we all love to see, trouble is it's not always in the most appropriate place. Yet a wall is a really good place to work. Urban artists think so too.

Koloron Art Fabric is one answer because it can be stretched and taped against a wall. Young artists can go mad and you can roll the work up and store it really simply. If you get your class to sign and date it first it becomes a great record. Taped up for all to see at a summer fete they're real talking points and because kids follow trends and fashions they are also historical records. Invite your lot to record a national event, perhaps their memories of the Olympics or paint a mural of the football crowd at a local game. Might even make the local paper.

Near where I live they want to build an Eco Town. I think I have enough to say to fill a 30ft x 5ft piece of Koloron.
John at Koloron, thanks Spain

Monday, December 08, 2008

Koloron in expert hands

Serious stuff, Koloron Art Fabric starts to push the boundaries. In the hands of gifted people and those who understand the finer points of costume Koloron takes on a different face altogether. With this dress the fabric was first washed to give it a soft yielding texture. The designer padded pockets, collar and bodice to give an almost sculptured feel. Surely we should all agree it is a masterpiece. Then they painted it pink. Fantastic.

Be bold and paint big for Pantos

Costumes need never be a problem again. This TOP was turned into a bright costume in about 15 minutes. Click on the picture and see it really close and you will see just how simple it is. It was one of eight school boys all slightly different and all on stage at the same time. Sleeves were added and short trousers too. The effect was electric when they came out and the house fell about.
That's show biz.